Most people are required to take a loan of some sort or the other, at various points of time in their lives. Most of them are also plagued with the fear of being unable to pay their monthly loan repayments due to some financial crunch. But now they don't have to feel scared because they can make use of the loan insurance concept that is slowly catching up all over the globe.
Loan insurance is a kind of a protection insurance that you can undertake to safeguard yourself against inability to make monthly loan repayments. It is a form of payment protection insurance that you can undertake to help cover you when you are unable to make your loan repayment due to some kind of an illness or an accident. In most cases, this insurance is taken up to cover home loans, personal loans or even car loans.
In case of a personal problem or tragedy, you can be sure that your loan payments will be made, thanks to the insurance on loan coverage you have. People who suffer from sickness, loss of job, accident, death or any other kind of disability, leading to inability to pay the EMI's on loans taken will benefit greatly from this kind of insurance. With your insurance taking care of your loan monthly repayment, you no longer have to be worried about the pressure being put on your family.
There is an option to undertake joint loan insurance by those who have taken up a joint loan application, giving you and your partner coverage at the same time. This scheme is very effective for partners as there is a constant reassurance that if either of the partner is taken ill or is involved in an accident or passes away, the repayments on the loan will be made on that person's behalf.
Now the question arises on the types of loans that are covered under the loan insurance. In most cases, an insurance on loan is usually provided for borrowers of home loans. But certain banks are known to provide the insurance on auto loans as well as other personal loans.
Insurance Premium
Like any other kind of insurance, premiums are required to be paid in the case of this type of insurance as well. The amount of premium charged will differ from bank to bank. Very few banks even allow the insurance to be taken without the requirement of a premium to be paid.
The amounts of premiums that are charged on insurance for loans depend upon certain factors such as the age of the insurance holder, the amount of loan being insured, the medical record of the person taking the loan etc. The higher the person's age, the higher will be the premium. Similarly, a higher loan amount being insured will lead to higher premiums being charged. Also, if the person' medical records show a good status, a lower premium will be charged on the insurance. A serious ailment or a poor physical record will automatically rise up the premium amount.
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