When you decide to go to university, you'll probably be thinking about your course, making new friends and, of course, where you're going to live.
Obviously these are all important considerations but have you thought about what you'd do if you were burgled and had some of your most valuable possessions stolen?
Buying student insurance should be on your list of things to do before you start the new semester, right up there with buying your books and packing your bags ahead of the journey to university.
If you're thinking that you don't have anything particularly valuable then you should think again.
All your favourite gadgets - MP3 players, cameras, laptops - can add up. Research from uSwitch suggests that the average UK student has approximately £4,000 worth of possessions.
When you consider that having a computer or laptop stolen could also seriously impact your studying, then you start to understand just why student room insurance is so important.
As a student, chances are you'll be on a pretty tight budget. But that needn't stop you from getting the right level of cover.
You can tailor your student insurance policy to make sure that it will protect your valuables but that you aren't paying out for unnecessary extras.
A basic student insurance package will cover things such as laptops and cameras, but what if you've got some specialist equipment that you need for your course?
Well, don't worry, you can always get a top-up of your cover to make sure that items such as musical instruments are not just protected in case of theft, but also accidental damage, giving you complete peace of mind.
Another extra option when it comes to student insurance is cover for a bicycle. For a slightly higher monthly premium, you can get cover for your wheels, meaning you won't need to worry about paying out to replace your bike if it gets stolen or damaged.
Tailoring your student insurance policy to ensure you are only covered for what you need will not only help you settle into your new home, but will also allow you to keep your premiums at a manageable level.
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